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Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002
3:39 p.m.

fiddle dee doo, fiddle dee fie

aargh. so frustrating.

i'm constantly fiddling around with computers, and have been for the past 10 years, and still i find that there are simple things i just can't get a handle on. i try to fix them, but i don't even know what's wrong. takes years off of me.

i guess this site is a little bit of a reaction. i'm trying to ignore all the "rules" that i've learned, and forget about dealing with silly little details that waste lots of time for no point. i'm trying to write more openly, without editing as much, because that takes a lot of my time. (see the end of the world for an example). i spend a lot of time being clever and making sure that everything is "professional" looking, even though i'm not a professional! this is an outlet for me, where i almost force myself to just type away without worrying so much about spacing and correct indenting and using the best word. it's the last thing i need to worry about, sounding good in a diary of all things.

if i weren't in a library, i'd let out a primal scream to let off some steam (rhymeage!). actually, i probably wouldn't.





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