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Sept. 23, 2002
11:46 p.m.

i'm beginning to detect a pattern

i like my diary. i like writing in the diary. i like the diary.

the diary doesn't require capital letters or witty punchlines. the diary doesn't really have an audience -- people read it, but they're my friends, and it doesn't feel like a show, where i'm up here and you're out there, hidden by the bright lights in my face.

i am just chattering to myself with the whole world listening in.

the other site is like a performance. the other site makes me check my grammar, and use complex sentences, and put links everywhere. the other site has to be funny.

why? it's my site too. it really only has an audience of two or three. my friends looked at it and said, "that's nice", and went along. the other site is read by a handful of sixteen-year-olds in new orleans who gripe if i don't write enough.

but maybe that's only because i don't write enough. if i wrote more, people would read it regularly, and it would be part of their daily routine. if i wrote more, i would develop a fanbase. if i wrote more, complete strangers would like me.

it's not necessarily true, but it's how i feel.

barren breathing
breaking down
living life a little
lying around

contagious catastrophes
creating amok
shortening sensations
sitting duck

that last one was a bit contrived, wasn't it?





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