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Jan. 09, 2003
5:42 p.m.

unfinite justice

i always think of new things i could write about when i'm not at the computer. once i get here, my mind fills up with computer-related stuff (fiddle with browser, check email, peer at code, check more email, curse at host who is down again), and so by the time i get around to actually writing something, i've pushed everything else to the back of my mind and can't think of anything to say.

in direct opposition to that, i guess i'll go ahead and say some stuff.

well, sometimes i really want to spend time with certain people, but it seems that those people are always incredibly busy. what is one to do? it feels selfish to always say, "hey, make time in your busy schedule for me"; on the other hand, our paths don't cross naturally, so deliberate effort must be made to bring them together. if the one is caught up in business and doesn't think to make the time, then it falls to the other (that is, me).

well, and sometimes i'm paranoid that people just don't want to hang out with me, and that's why they don't call.

but then, that's unfair, and i'm starting to think it might be untrue.





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