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Apr. 07, 2003
9:48 p.m.

wherein our hero is much loved, but becomes abrasive in response

cannot face truth, reality.

sorry, had to interject that in there real quick.

ahh, well. i hate shopping. no, i like shopping, actually, if i have the time to be as picky as i really want to be, and if i can find something that will meet the standards that i develop over the course of the shopping trip and forget immediately thereafter. what i don't like is shopping on ebay and its ilk, where every item is advertised with a surfeit of exclamation points and the assurance that this is really what you need and, above all, and this is the sticking point, a price that i can't afford. really, what are they thinking?

i also hate how difficult computers still are to use. there are no conventions, and the people that make them don't realize how hard it is to use them if even one thing is slightly off.

take windows, for example. the way it's generally set up, all programs are accessed through the start menu. all of the things you click in the start menu are shortcuts, though, not the actual program. if the start menu ceases to work (which happens sometimes in this computer lab), then nobody knows how to find the program. and why don't they just hit "search"? i don't know.

i always want to help people that are hunting for a vanished word processor, but that's an implicit admission that i've been staring at their screens. i don't like it when other people look at my screen; golden rule enters stage left, and cue indecision.

but all of this is just the boring stuff that goes through my head as i sit here surfing the web and trying not to think about the notes on my guestbook. i'm not sure what to do. i wrote to one, and she still hasn't written back. i have made contact with the other and lost it again. old perspectives vanish -- they don't seem to work. looking for a new perspective.

thanks for the note, but i think you should just give me a call. keeping in touch is not an abstract thing -- it is the result of small things done from day to day.





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