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Jun. 01, 2003
1:28 p.m.

aren't it crazy?

why is it that nothing seems to matter sometimes?

spending time with the family. this has equated mostly to sitting around watching tv in north carolina of all places, and also one big meal a day surrounded by lazy slow starvation. now we're getting ready (taking naps) to go back to the airport to go back to texas to go back to abilene to go back to home. i was looking forward to it until i could picture myself back at work and realized that no matter how much perspective i've gained from getting away from it all, i still will go back to it all and be re-subsumed in its banality. i ate pizza in a new york style pizzeria in north carolina, i met the ocean once more, i walked in the sand and wished that i had my sandals in order to complete the transformation to wandering monk; but tomorrow or the next day i'll be serving curly fries once again in the place i can't escape.

so, how's your week been?

no, okay, it's not really that bad, really, but i have to have something to write about, don't i? any rate, i am ready to be home again, here's looking forward to seeing all my buddies and pals again. i think i've got one or two of those.





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