(This space intentionally left blank.)

Jul. 01, 2003
3:32 p.m.

okay, now i'm done

i've got some music stuck in my head. it's by a band called "refused". they're already broken up, but i just got the album the other day. it makes me want to dance.

i always want to write things here, on this thing, but i can't remember what to write once i get here. i have the same problem with buying cds. i'll go to the music store and just sit and stare at all those cds until i can't even remember what i wanted. for some reason, i always default to bj�rk. i never buy any, though. too expensive.

as a possibly interesting aside, it took me something like ten minutes just to write "bj�rk" because i had to go hunt down the correct unicode character for the little o with an umlaut on it. (hint: it's under "latin-1 supplement".)

well, i suppose i should get going. band practice coming up soon. one of these days we might have a show, and if we do, i'll make sure to invite you.

in the meantime, here's some refused.

hey, baby,
never felt this free
pair of new shoes
and a punk-rock show to see





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