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Aug. 14, 2003
3:43 p.m.

modulo common sense

so, i felt like i should update, seeing as how it's been a while.

last night i read "the perks of being a wallflower". i have to admit that i'm actually jealous of the main kid's intelligence. it's a character in a book, how can i be jealous of that? nonetheless.

i was kind of a smart kid in high school, but not nearly that smart. i would've made better grades if i had actually done my homework and studied. i still wouldn't have formed such strong bonds with such people, though.

i did form bonds with some good people in college, and i'd like to think that the bonds were strong. it's hard to say, though, because i let myself lose touch with almost all of them. i can't even explain why. when they left, i got their email addresses and said, "i'll write you," and then i didn't. i don't know why.

i also noticed a tendency in the book for the character to go off on rabbit trails. he points it out himself, actually. it stood out to me, though, because i am the same way, and in fact it seems that that tendency kind of characterizes a lot of modern writing. modern writing seems to be getting closer to speech in its rhythms and approaches. i guess writing is becoming less formal, or rather that informal writing is becoming more predominant. this is surely related to the rise of the web (but then i always think that when i'm writing something onto the web).

the end of aforesaid book also tied a lot of things together into ideas that i tend to think about, especially perspectives. comparing one person to another is usually meaningless because it doesn't take perspective into account. how do you know that someone is tall if you always see them from above?

okay, that didn't make sense. i think i'm trying to write like the character now. i did read the book straight through, late at night, and i'm tired right now. that's my excuse.

heck, that's usually my excuse.





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