(This space intentionally left blank.)

Aug. 25, 2003
11:45 p.m.

i want you to show me

hey! how's it going?

yes, i am aware that this is not a conversation. that would require input from both parties, and my guestbook says otherwise.

okay, so anyway. guess what? oh, sorry, forgot. i'll tell you what. i'm writing this at home, on my computer!

ahem. for those of you who didn't know: i haven't had a computer before now, i've been going to the library at the local university to use the computer.

yes, that's right, but now i'm able to spit my philosophising and whining (yes, mostly the latter) upon the web at will and in the comfort of my own home. isn't that special?

there will be repercussions, though, from my having of a computer, and internet access especially. for one, my friend tubby will probably be finding the phone busy when she tries to call me and keep me awake all night. (that sounds bad, doesn't it?)

also, i will probably get less sleep, because i used to stay on the computer until the library closed and, well, my house is always open, if you know what i mean.

that sounds bad, too, doesn't it?





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