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Aug. 31, 2003
10:48 p.m.

ain't no reason in crying

so, i'm really tired, but i have the internet and so nothing bars me from anything. (this may turn out to be an exaggeration.)

the editing stage for "aley zona" (that's the stage name of the girl that i recorded for my first recording "job") is done, and now i'm just haphazardly tossing some echos on the recordings, because she wanted echo. i have to hurry and get it finished, though, because she's shipping out in a few days.

i've written about that already, haven't i? see, i told you i'm tired.

did i mention that the reason i never finished college is because of the internet? okay, strictly speaking, it's because of my lack of self-control, with the internet providing me with a handy late-night vice, BUT, it's appropriate to take note of that at this moment, in which i am staying up late when i should be going to bed, and doing so because of the computer, and the internet also.

hah. diagram that sentence.

oh yeah, when i'm done with the recording process, i'll make some mp3s and put them up on geocities or something. harass me if i don't, it's really good music, you should hear it. that is all.





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