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Oct. 03, 2003
9:33 p.m.

you know we are equally damaged

so here's how it goes.

i do disgusting things, things that i would overall rather never have done.

then i surf the internet, reading comics to make myself feel better.

or sometimes, i write on my diary in the hopes that a profound outpouring of feeling will mean that i'm okay.

lately, i don't feel much. i just check what i've written to make sure that i've phrased everything right.

now i even have my own personal soundtrack. if i were smart, i would turn off the music. if i were wiser, i would write my journal on paper, as quickly as possible, and then throw it away when i was done. i know what i should do if i really wanted help.

all i do is press the enter key again, and keep typing.

all i do is create my own movie, with myself.

when does the scene change?





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