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Dec. 10, 2003
8:20 p.m.

a little bit of everything

[thesis] lately i just don't know what to do with myself. [support] on monday i worked for a few hours and then just sat around the house all day. today has been similar. i've done stuff today, i guess, i just don't feel like it.

the problem with this diary is that i don't write it in when i need to get something off my chest; i write in it when i feel like i should have something new for people to read. it's great training for an aspiring web writer, but it's not really a great diary. oh yeah, the whole "publicly available" is an odd twist on the traditional diary, too.

i've been trying to make music, or at least interesting noise, but i feel limited by technology. i don't have the tools that i want. there's nothing wrong with the tools i have, of course. i just want more.

i need to make a website for the band, but i can't ever get started on it. getting started is the hardest part of most things for me.

actually, finishing things is, too.





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