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January 11, 2004
3:58 a.m.

Go to sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow.

i just wrote this entry in notepad, and now i'm copying and pasting it here. not that that really means anything.

i didn't grow up with much physical intimacy. to me, saying "intimacy" is almost like saying "sexual contact". well, i'm not sure if that's true, but i'm afraid that when i say one i'll be taken to mean the other. so, the adolescent-boy-minded need not continue.

i didn't grow up with much physical intimacy. to me, touching a girl is often sexual, and touching a guy doesn't happen. hugs are an exception, and there are other exceptions; but it's hard for me to sustain prolonged physical contact of any sort with an attractive girl without wanting more, both more in amount and in depth.

i'm sorry, to you girls who may now be shuddering to think of this. however, i'm not saying that i necessarily devolve into fantasy, but just that an appetite is awakened. just like the hunger for food can be ill-defined -- "anything sounds good" -- so too can sexual appetite, i believe.

i don't know, maybe i really am an idiot. all i want at this moment is warm soft comforting skin.





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