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February 06, 2004
12:23 a.m.

some things

i am pedantic, a pedant.

grammar is interesting. perhaps it comes from my computer programming experience, where i have seen the power of beautiful, structured language.

completion is desirable. sometimes i feel uncomfortable going to sleep because i feel the need for a finality to the day. i desire closure.

"heyyyy yaaaa, heyyyy yaaaa."

it's a small world. i know people who know people that i know.

if i had any real reason to , i would buy a membership to dictionary.com. it's just cool.

still can't get up guts to ask out girls. i just wish that for once it would be clear that a relationship would be a good thing, even if the girl's feelings for me weren't so clear. i really just wish that i didn't have an excuse. there's always an excuse.

i've been in this neighborhood for a long time. i don't really know where else to go.

i should go to bed.





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