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February 13, 2004
11:15 p.m.

i like to say, "hace un poco fresco" when it's really cold

my average pageviews actually went up when i was on vacation from posting. hmm.

i am cold. discomfort prompts brevity. i also have to work ten hours (well, nine hours fifteen) tomorrow. brr.

i get myself into "situations" when i talk about girls that i find "interesting" on the "diary", so i'd like to cut it out. (not sure if i actually -will-.) i'd like to wait until i find a girl that already -knows- that i am interested, and also by the way finds me interesting as well.

anybody feeling up to it?

cold. not warm. brr.

here are some lyrics:

"what frequency are you getting?
is it noise or sweet, sweet music?
what frequency will liberation be?
what frequency? what frequency?"
--refused, "liberation frequency"

p.s. we want the airwaves back.





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