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February 27, 2004
1:39 a.m.

come in, control

the press button vend cd is done. show tomorrow, or today, i guess, technically. friday the 27th is when the show is. 7 p.m. at cobb park rec center (north 10th). everybody who is anybody will be there, and some other people too. the cd will be for sale ($3US). three dollars at the door.

it's about time we were done with the cd. i'm tired of messing with it. but i messed with it some more tonight, and now we have err eight copies or so thus far. if you can't make it to the show, leave me a note or sign the guestbook and i'll make you a copy.

eventually there will be a website with pics and mp3s and so forth.

this band is kind of taking over my life. no, it's not. it just feels like it at the moment, but on saturday i'll be wondering what to do with my time.

oh yeah. i'll be working on the website.

that would be a good spot to end this entry if this were a work of art or entertainment, but it gives the impression that i do really feel like the band is taking over my life. i don't. for the most part, actually, i'll go days at a time without thinking about it. it's just been the show and the cd coming together that have filled up my time.

i'm looking forward to playing. we're going to explode and decapitate anybody standing too close. it will be fun.





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