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June 18, 2004
3:09 p.m.

ye olde diarye entrie

i just watched shrek for the second time. it has details that repay the attention.

it's got me thinking. movies have individual love stories -- in other words, one particular event in a relationship. i'm starting to think that real relationships have those events; a real love story is the entire relationship, which contains lots of those movie-type stories.

(i'm not explaining it very well. it just occurred to me a little while ago. i probably don't understand it very well.)

i don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing. it's just needed for a sense of perspective. you know how, in movies, the hero vanquishes the dragon and rescues the damsel? in reality, that happens every day, but the dragons are legion, and it's not just the damsel that needs rescuing.





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