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July 18, 2004
12:34 a.m.

WAT DOES MUAH MEAN KTHX!!1?! (or, "keep visiting my site, kthx")

hi. i am irritated but i am going to try not to rant about it because there is no need to fill the world (and the internet in particular) with more anger and cynicism. i will, however, still leave my perky, sarcastic title in place.

full stop. i watched most of the first spider-man movie today and i was bothered because toby mcguire doesn't match my image of spider-man. i used to read the old comics when i was a kid and there's nothing that can compare to that. i hate that hollywood can make money so easily off of people's childhoods. we are the ones letting them do it.

on the other hand, isn't there more to life than big bucks? i keep telling myself that there is, but $$$ has a big sway over me.

bah, it's late.





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