(This space intentionally left blank.)

August 28, 2004
12:11 a.m.

looking someplace for meaning (or, "meaning, someplace for looking")

"each moment feels infinite, but the truth is that lifetimes are finite and choices should be made thoughtfully."

as usual, i'm heavily addicted to the feeling and having trouble feeling the truth.

some people are darn beautiful.

life sometimes seems to me like a work of art in the constant making; we are its artists and actors. but does this mean that we should always choose to do the most artful thing?

i don't think that i could argue convincingly for that even if i believed it.

i remember being inexperienced with html. i'm not exactly a professional now, but i used to be uncomfortable sticking these strange blocks of code into what seemed like random, arbitrary places. i used to try to place every tag on a separate line,
  <a href="...">like-a
(although maybe not that bad), whereas now the html fits smoothly into the flow of words (and sometimes more smoothly than the words themselves).

case in point, all that cruft totally killed my train of thought. now all i can think about is html and its useage.

still sometimes forget who i am. starting to realize that this doesn't necessarily mean that i actually change. there is a me and it is always there, even when i don't know where it is.





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