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March 24, 2006
9:11 p.m.

coffee eyes and white lies, a fond reprise

i just saw a re-run of "that 70s show" (which i am quite taken with; that jackie is a fox!), and it was the episode where the characters donna and eric first had sex. no, it does not depict said sex. but, thereafter, at the end of the episode, they actually talk about it, and recall other firsts for them that were awkward (as the naughty-bits act was), and donna recalls the first time she let foreman "get to 2nd base", and that it was like he was tuning a radio!

(i.e., twisting the knob intently. this diary not suitable for children under the age of Have-Touched-Boobies-Yet).

this made me wonder about my first sexual experiences, my first intimacy with a lady type, and so i called her to reminisce, but she was not available. but i am glad that i can just call up the first girl i was ever that close to, the first boobs i touched, the first sex i had, and have a friendly conversation about it.

i wrote about her on this same diary, and it was such a dramatic, emotional time. now i can reminisce about it. that means something good, i guess. i wish that all my relationships had turned out so well. i wish i were in contact with all of them. i want to say that i wish that i had been able to have just one relationship that was still going on and that none of the painful stuff had ever happened; but the truth is that i appreciate and love the girls that i have been close to and i am glad for all of it. if only, as a friend once said, if only i could smoosh them together! and then make them still like me, too ;)





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