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May 03, 2006
3:09 a.m.

stupid vodka

i don't know if this is the right place to admit this or not, but i was watching the nanny on t.v. and i realized that i would totally do it with fran drescher. at least, nanny-era fran. now, she's probably old enough that i'd be weirded out. but in general i find her pretty awesome.

and i'm not even an "i'd do her" kind of guy. i want a relationship and stuff. but right now, with the vodka and such, fran could totally knock on my door and get whatever she wanted.


i've never been much of an alcohol guy either, but just recently i bought some vodka. for now, vodka's my drink. it was my first hard liquor. i have an irrational attachment to firsts. see the entry titled "gin and jews".

that probably won't mean anything to anyone except for the one in particular that it refers to. i want to call her right now except that i know that she can't answer because she's at work, and they frown on telephoning at work while you're in charge of crazy people, or hotels. either one.

anyway, i always want to call her whenever i'm turned on, and i feel kind of bad about that. the last time i made a perverted joke at her, she said "please don't be gross." i don't know why exactly, so i assume that she doesn't want anything of the sort from me. which is funny, considering that she forced a sexual relationship in the first place. i wanted to be friends, but nooo.

but i can't blame her for my inability to stand up for my principles.

i'd just like to be naked with her right now, to be intimate. i want to hold her tight and kiss the back of her neck, and then fall asleep in that close embrace.





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