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September 17, 2006
4:59 a.m.

a white-boy fro doesn't cut it these days

periodically i think to myself that okcupid will solve my problems (my single, not-sexin' problems, that is). this is because once, right before i left abilene, a girl messaged me on okcupid, and her profile indicated that she was interested in noncommittal sexin'. however, i always find myself uninterested in doing all the actual work that it requires to have a fully functional okcupid profile. and it's changed so much these days! anyway, i don't want to do all that work, and i bet that's a metaphor for the real reason i'm not gettin' any sexin' these days. it's cause i am lazy and apathetic. oh, and also i am going to school with a bunch of materialistic kids.





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