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September 30, 2007
11:21 p.m.

karma police, i've given all i can

so let me see. i feel like typing some things in this little white box.

for a while there i was seeing this girl. she is pretty and nice and all but of course Circumstances happened, and well we weren't really Long Term Material anyway. we are still pals and i hope we can still be Special Friends too.

i don't know why i'm talking like a kid. maybe it's the effect of Overcompensating, a journal comic about the internet(s).

really, webcomics are about all i have to talk about any more. i work all day and then come home and relax by surfing the internet, and then go to bed too late at night and then get up and do it all again. i'm like a redneck only with a computer instead of a sixpack and a plasma tv.

i spent that last two years doing almost nothing with most of my time and so it's hard to adjust to a full-time-job and living in my parents house and having to think about responsibilities like buying a car and paying the rent with money i actually earn instead of student loans. oh, and i have to pay those back too.

overall it's a pretty depressing period in my life, and my entire life has pretty much just been a pretty big depressing period. but then every time period seems depressing, and looking back i still miss them.

i think i just always miss the past because it was a time when i looked forward to the future and the possibilities it held. every time my life changes, i am one step closer to the end and have that much less time to realize any of the possibilities. and that much less hopeful of realizing any of them.

of course, i have realized lots of possibilities i used to depressedly think that i wouldn't. i have learned how to record people and i have had sex and so forth. it's just easier to be depressed. gives you a good excuse for not trying. but then, i'm depressed because of the things i haven't achieved because of Not Trying, so one wonders why i don't just short-circuit this whole loop and Try for once. one wonders indeed.





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