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Aug. 09, 2002
12:25 p.m.

when hari-kari met sally forth

sometimes things come up that totally distract you from what you were about to do.

for instance, i logged in to do something to my diary, i don't know what, and diaryland alerted me that a particular diary on my buddy list had been updated recently.

so i read it, and now i don't remember what i was going to do.

i know that i'm on your buddy list, so i guess you'll read this eventually. i hope you're doing okay; i hope you'll be alright. i wish i had done better at keeping in touch; i wish i had done what i said i would, because now that you need someone, and i want to be someone for you, there is no way to avoid that awkward apology.

i suppose i should not try to be that someone; it can only cause you confusion. good fortune to you. may we meet again.





You are here: http://aikan.diaryland.com/020809_21.html