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Aug. 19, 2002
2:39 p.m.


maybe i'm trying too hard. i should just relax and not feel so honor-bound to talk to all the troubled people whose lives are in a mess and need someone to tell about it. maybe i'm not really helping them any; i'm just giving them someone else to gripe to so that they can feel justified in their mistakes and defensiveness. maybe i'm just adding another factor to an already-complicated life, something else for them to deal with, and maybe i'm just making my own life more complicated by trying to help people i can't even identify with. if i'm not the first to try, can i really expect that i'll be the one to succeed?

if i'm trying to be someone's friend, maybe i shouldn't get so close to them, or let them get so close to me.

this is barely even touching on what i've really been wanting to write about lately.

maybe i'll write about it some on the other site.





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