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Nov. 11, 2002
11:07 p.m.

so long, farewell, auf wiederzein, goodbye

well, somebody who works at a.c.u. must be reading my diary, because they're trying to help me quit my computer addiction by disabling my account. i'm actually posting this from a kind of locked-down computer that they use for public terminals in the library. it has the internet, but that's about it. alas.

actually, i probably just got a virus on my account, causing an automatic quarantine sort of effect to shut it down. it's happened once before. i must admit, though, that i feel a little odd calling in to see if they can reactivate it, because it's obvious from the account name that i should have graduated by now.

the only reason i really need it back is because i've already committed to things that i need a fully enabled computer to accomplish. such things include writing a program for somebody, doing web pages for my web design class, and instant messenging with chicks.

hey, somebody's gotta do it.

the virus idea only occurred to me as i was writing this, but since it's occurred to me, i have a sad sort of feeling that i'll probably check on it and see if i can get it back. finally, there seems to be something i can accomplish with a computer besides just wasting my time; it's only reasonable to try and get it back, right?

not that i'm particularly reasonable.

i had a feeling, walking through the library towards this computer after the discovery of my sudden excommunication, that this could be a sort of turning point or transition in life, or that it is the next step, perhaps. maybe now i can bring myself to tear away from this place that has kept me bound to it for so long and i can venture into the world and make something of myself. maybe now i can escape the transformation into another of this neighborhood's quirky characters that don't actually seem to do anything except be odd and occasionally amusing.

every time a door is shut, there's a key under the mat in case you're afraid to try the window.

but then, maybe this was just a temporary measure to force me to go spend time with actual people tonight instead of the computer. maybe i'll give that a shot. goodbye.





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