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Nov. 20, 2002
12:49 a.m.

reasons why i shouldn't breed

i normally put urls that i don't want to forget onto the other site, but since it's down i'll stick some here.

who knows? maybe you'll find what you never knew you needed.

owen briggs's box lessons and rants. very useful css tricks and probably some of the original standards propaganda that converted me.

did you know that i expose myself to a lot of propaganda? it's kind of alternative, idealistic propaganda, so it's easy to think that it's definitely totally right just because it's not popular.

i just saw "moulin rouge" last night, and one of the scenes that i really appreciated is the scene toward the end, where the evil duke snarls at the bohemian, "i don't care about your dogma!". the bohemian ideals of truth, beauty, and love (and something else?) are much nicer sounding than a lot of ideals, but following an ideal blindly seems to me as bad as having no ideals at all.

on the other hand, if everyone follows their ideals blindly, it seems that there will be balance in the end as every side pulls in different directions.

the way an acoustic guitar is built, every piece is trying to pull away from the others, but it holds together and can have a beautiful sound.

on the other hand, a violin is built in the opposite way, holding itself together, and it's at least as beautiful in sound.

all i really do is juggle ideas and weigh them in my hands like a clown juggling apples on a unicycle on a highwire.

i will spare you any metaphors about falling down.





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