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Nov. 21, 2002
11:35 p.m.

sing me a song, sing me a love song

sometimes i just want to write, but i can't think of anything.

i have fond memories, oddly enough, of sitting here composing things, and knowing they were good and thinking they were funny. pitiful of me?

i wish, now, that this could be something i shared with someone. i know that everyone needs time alone, but i spend so much time here that it feels like i'm always alone.

i know, i know, i share the activity of diary-writing with lots of other people, but you know what i mean. i guess it's just a solitary activity. but there are ways to be around other people while working on the computer.

i guess what i actually want is someone else (okay, a girl) who can let herself sink into this along with me. i know it's possible. i don't know if it would be good though.

i am warm and comfortable and sedated, and i just want someone to curl up with so that i can forget life altogether.

i am on time
i am alive
i am unbreathing
i am shallow and in line

i am thine





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