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Mar. 10, 2003
4:43 p.m.

it was hot, we stayed in the water

not sure if there's a point in keeping this thing. does anyone read it? but then, that's not really the point, is it?

the point is honesty and art. the point is communication. that's how i view this thing, in part. i'm becoming involved in other things, though, and i'm not sure if i have it in me to keep up more than one serious endeavor at a time.

i don't want to end the diary, though. i'm just not sure that it won't end up lying dust-bound and cobwebbed in a box in the closet where i'll discover it years later and think, "wow, this old thing. sure brings back memories. hehe, it wasn't as cool as i thought it was. still, it's a shame i didn't keep it up. i wonder what it would be like if i had?", just the way i always do.

just the way i always do.





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