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Apr. 12, 2003
9:31 p.m.

i am having a heart attack later

i don't think that i really affect anyone

except the people that i'm not prepared to affect.

my lovers choose me and not vice versa.

i still have the choice whether to accept them,

but i cannot say "no".

do you want me out of your life? do you want me in it?

i guess i'm just reading into things that i cannot understand.

that, and i'm avoiding responsibility. i can't face my inbox because i'm not sure what to say. i suddenly realized, just this morning, that i'm not sure i could handle being friends with someone that i've been so intimate with. i've held her so close -- it would kill me so to see her held by someone else, and i can't even talk to her without the old emotions rising up again.

i stomped them down but they did not fail. i shot them but they did not die.

i have dreams sometimes of gunfights, chasing and dodging, running and shooting, but mostly of shooting my opponent over and over and over and he just won't die.

i blame video games.





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