(This space intentionally left blank.)

Apr. 25, 2003
12:28 a.m.

so what?

i am too tired to do anything, but i don't want to go to bed. i have work in the morning. those two sentences are not entirely related. okay, they are.

did you know that netscape 7+ has tabs? they're neat. neatscape, i mean netscape, version 6.2 does not. but any way.

so i'm experiencing a unique thing for me, by which i mean that the thing which i am experiencing is something that i have not yet experienced, and no, it is not illegal or mind-altering in any direct fashion.

what i'm experiencing is the-girl-who-i-was-seeing-last-fall-and-who-dumped-me-and-avoided-me-for-months-is-now-wanting-to-be-friends-again.

i hope that makes some sense. that's actually only the first part. here's the rest.


netscape 6.2 also doesn't like it when you type long things into text boxes. alas.





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