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Apr. 28, 2003
11:39 p.m.

utterly lacking in modicums or degrees of anything, for that matter

hmm. today at work i was offered a chance to create a website for a new company that's just starting up here in good old drabilene.

fortunately, it's not arby's-related.

at any rate, i'm pretty nervous about the whole thing. the girl who told me about it said she's going to find out more information and let me know tomorrow more precisely what is needed. at that point, i'll decide whether or not i think i'm capable of it.

i've got the feeling i won't be able to, or that i won't get the job after all. i never think that i'm going to get these sort of things, and i never do. i'm like a television show where the characters almost win the lottery, but then lose at the last instant. they get diagnosed with a terminal illness, and then find out that it was all a big mistake (not that i particularly want a terminal illness). i'm just an 80s sitcom with a really small cast.

on wednesday the noise band project will perform at the home of a couple of permanently drunk middle-aged men, because they might let us practice in their house if they like it. we will perform with an utter lack of constraint and preparation. that's the whole point.





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