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Oct. 16, 2003
2:40 p.m.

it's too bad

i've decided that most verbal emphasis should not be reproduced in writing. see, there wasn't really a need to emphasize that, now WAS there? all-caps, especially, FEEL TOO MUCH LIKE SHOUTING! my mom always does that.

i've also decided that i'm a sad and pitiful human being. seriously. right now i hate myself. i feel like i'm never going to get over the problems that i have. now don't get worried, i'm not going to kill myself. i just wish i knew what to do. i can only think of one thing, and i'm afraid to do it.

i've also decided to take off my shoes. hold on a second.

well, i've healed really quickly from the bike crash. i'm almost back to normal already and it's only been a week. the main problem now is that my eyelid is bruised and it looks like i'm wearing eyeliner. i could start a hair-metal band, if i didn't hate hair metal so much.

okay, i'm really tired of thinking about myself. i wish i knew how to stop.





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