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Nov. 12, 2003
4:54 p.m.

in order to solve your problem, you must acknowledge that it exists

man i miss the past. sometimes old songs will flood me with nostalgia for the time when i thought that everything was alright. no, that's not quite it. back in those days, i just didn't think at all. i felt good because i had friends and because i spent the rest of my time avoiding reality right here on the computer.

i was thinking back to another period of time in the past, but this one only a year ago. what is boils down to is this: did it really make me happy? yes, at the time it did, but look at how long it lasted. in the end, i thought that i would be less fearful and more confident, but nothing's really changed.

what it boils down to is this: i am a coward.





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