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Nov. 27, 2003
4:24 a.m.

it's all i've got

oh, ah, i feel like i'm such a failure as a human being in some basic way. i mean, people seem to like me, so i must be good in some ways, but it seems like i'm lacking some basic facility that most people have. it seems like my relationships rarely go beyond a certain point. it seems like people rarely even want to go with me beyond that point, and when somebody does, i make up a reason why it wouldn't be a good idea. what i don't understand is this: if i'm afraid of commitment or deep, serious, "meaningful" relationships with people, why do i still want them?

a friend of mine once told me that i seemed secretive, or private. i don't really intend to be, or want to be. sometimes it seems like i don't really even have anything important to share with people. it's like i'm a big goofy empty shell of a person with no concerns and worries except for the shallow ones that i can manufacture for myself.

i guess i'm overreacting. i always overreact.





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