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May 12, 2004
3:47 a.m.

i've decided who i am

i am loveless and selfish. i pay attention to you for my own gain.

i am spineless. if i act, it is general and vague. it is indirect.

i am envious. green.

i am consumed by my senses.

i say again: i am loveless and selfish. i pay attention to you for my own gain.

this is not a work of art. this is the truth.

but even still it manipulates and confuses. it has rhythm and parallel structure, and now it is reflexive.

i've decided that i should not watch movies any more. i am sucked into the character, or i suck them into me.

i also should rethink my desire to be a writer. they seem to be tormented souls.

as usually happens at this point, i have also decided to go to bed.





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