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June 15, 2004
3:46 p.m.

bandying about the truth

i've had a whole day free to do things, and i haven't done anything because i've been sleepy and a little depressed. i'm probably depressed because i'm sleepy. i didn't get up till noon and i'm still tired. i have to go to work at five, so i can't go back to sleep. tomorrow's a whole day off, though, so i'm sleeping as long as i need to.

i am afraid that all my sleep-deprivation and internet indulgence has lead to or is leading to permanent brain damage. look at how unconnected my thoughts are. i make some really weird typos. i am always more tired when i get off the computer than i was before.

also, i haven't felt like eating today. i am about to, because i need to, but even when hungry i didn't want to eat. why am i like that?

i write freely in this diary, but i have a harder time writing freely in emails. i have a hard time writing email at all.

i'm writing an email right now, actually.





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