(This space intentionally left blank.)

June 23, 2004
2:51 a.m.


arrgh. complicated.

(rinse, repeat.)

the idea of a relationship just happening has always been attractive. in movies, like "speed" for instance, it's pretty normal for relationships to be established because the two people are going through the same big traumatic event. all that happens is that they try to do the best that they can in the situation -- save the world, defeat the bad guy -- and then they get the relationship automatically.

and in a movie like "shrek", they get to know each other over, what, a day or two? (i know, it's just a movie.) and it happens because of a bunch of unrelated stuff -- they got true love out of something they never expected and weren't prepared for. it just kind of happened to them. i wish it were that easy.

i know, it's just a movie.





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