(This space intentionally left blank.)

May 24, 2004
9:00 p.m.

will, what why

i'm not really sure if i'm a person or just a placebo. i feel like i'm a reflection of whoever i'm around. i don't really say anything but what you're already thinking. i don't create anything new, i just fiddle around with stuff that other people made. i also whine a lot.

paragraph breaks make text easier to read. that's what the propaganda tells me.

if somebody is trying to convince you that something is right, doesn't that tell you that they're already biased? they believe that it's right; they're more interested in convincing you than in presenting you with the information and letting you decide for yourself. what if you decided wrong?

the grammar aesthetes will note that that should be "wrongly", and that i don't know what "aesthetes" means. dictionary.com suggests that it may be an appropriate useage, though.

if god decides that something's going to happen to you, does that mean it will happen regardless of what you do?

will i, later in life, look back and shudder at my folly and arrogance, and thank god for having mercy?





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