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October 13, 2006
5:16 p.m.

pointless bah

it kind of makes me sick to think about this, all the different girls that i like but will probably never date. i can only be with one of them, right?! but whichever one it is -- if any -- will it really mean anything, considering that i would take another one just as much?

the last girl i really dated said that she wanted "i love you" to mean "i don't want anybody else". i can grant that she had some weirdnesses of her own, but that seems like a pretty good definition. so what happens if you really are interested in more than one person?

i guess ideally you should wait until there's really only one that excites you more than any other.

i mean, my circumstances are not conducive to a relationship anyway. i don't have a job and may want to move soon. i spend all day sitting on the computer and drinking alcohols. the girls that i like live in different cities (and one in a different state). and a lot of my internet time is spent looking at pretty girls with no clothes on, who tug at my heartstrings with their pretty faces. these are all burdens to a relationship with a real girl!

meh. that's all i have to say. these circumstances make my heart bitter.

(p.s. that one state is not oklahoma. don't worry, i know there is no dating possibility there.)





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