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Sept. 23, 2003
11:16 p.m.

bugger is a buggery word

ah, the internet. ah, the computer. there's really no end to the amount of stuff you can do with these things. this is quite unfortunate for my eyes.

hey, tell you something you don't know, right? well, i'm trying to write in here a lot, and i'm online, so i might as well write. right?

the only reason i'm on, or even awake, is to download music from epitonic. it takes forever. i need to get more music, though. recently someone asked me what kind of music i listen to and i said, "uhh..." i'm a musician, darn it, i ought to at least be able to say, "well, right now i'm listening to such and so forth".

bah, this is unimportant and boring. i'll get back to you when i have some more stories about girls.


well, heck, might as well talk about them right now.

if you've been following the "in 'like'" saga (which officially starts here, but has a bit of a prequel here), you may be wondering about the other girl. (actually, you're probably not, because you probably can't tell which girl is which, because i haven't explained.) i haven't written about the other girl (i'll call her "M") because i haven't seen her much lately. for that matter, i don't see V much either, but we at least chat a little on aim.

speaking of which, she's on right now, and i want to talk to her, but don't want to seem to eager (even though i am), and i'm not sure what to say anyway. now i'm all nervous and i'm getting my hopes up too much, so they're sure to be dashed whatever happens.

curse this whole situation! curse me and my emotional overreactions. a pox on butterflying stomachs!

actually, let's scratch that last one. butteflies are bad enough, i wouldn't want to have pox, too.





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